movie shelf

That picture, above, is what my shelf looked like last year as I embarked on this endeavor to examine and explore each of these movies I own with a fresh viewing and a personal essay. A lot has happened in that time, not the least of which was an opportunity to cull from my collection a few dozen films that were deplorable or that I just didn’t want to own anymore, as well as an excuse to purchase a whole bunch of new titles I either used to own or have always wanted. So long The Crush, good riddance Any Given Sunday, hasta la vista Taking Lives, and hello my gorgeous Best of Warner Brothers 50 Film Collection plus quite a few more. And for the first time in maybe ever, none of my movies are still in their shrink-wrapped packaging; I’ve opened every single one.

At this point, I feel a little lost to be honest. After so many months of putting into words all the thoughts and feelings and memories I’ve associated with these films that I (mostly) love, it’s like I can hardly think of anything to say anymore at all. On the other hand, I feel almost driven to revisit all these posts I wrote and analyze their connection with my life even further. What were the ones that most influenced my understanding of the world? Which ones spurred my sexual development?

Or, sick of navel gazing, I could simply write a taxonomy of time displacement. What different categories are represented, and how do they differ from one another? What are their constraints? But I’d still probably be compelled to try to figure out why these stories in particular are such a draw to me.

Ultimately, I guess my goal for the future is just to keep writing, to keep setting goals and pushing myself to reach them, and to find something to say that people think is worth reading. I hope what I’ve done here fits that bill, even if it was self-centered by nature. I’ve appreciated everyone who’s read along with me, whether sporadically or on a regular basis, and I hope my self-discovery has inspired you all in some way — even if it’s just the inspiration to watch a movie or two you’ve never seen before.

It’s been a long year, and as I close out My Movie Shelf, I leave with a new picture of my shelf, completed and newly organized. It’s so pretty, I honestly can’t wait to add to it.

